1 Ne. 21: 3
3 And said unto me: Thou art my aservant•, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified.
There is no question in my mind that the Lord will be glorified in Israel. He said He would do it when he blessed Abraham. He will, in the end, prevail. Israel has its struggles, its ups and downs, its times of being scattered and gathered, but God WILL BE GLORIFIED without fail.
I like that, and I want to be a part of it too.
This earth is designed to glorify God. It is His earth. His work and glory. Now why don't we just buy into that goal. All things are created with a purpose - an end in mine.
In Israel, God will be glorified.
1 comment:
The only way the "earth can glorify God" is to do God's will, meaning we fulfill Matthew 25:31-46: "feed the hungry, clothe the naked, liberate the captive and bind up the wounds of the sick" without regard to color, social strata, religion, race, etc.
(Alma 1:30)
When ANY go hungry, helpless or homeless, the earth and its inhabitants mock God.
God is "no respecter of persons" he will give nothing to one of his children without benefit to all his children.
If you want the further light and knowledge God promised to send see thesealedportion.com and read it (TSP) the same way Moroni told you to read the first third of the gold plates: with a sincere heart, with real intent having faith in Christ.
Fearing nothing...perfect LOVE casteth out fear.
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