62 And again, verily I say unto you, my afriends, I leave these bsayings with you to cponder in your hearts, with this commandment which I give unto you, that ye shall dcall upon me while I am near—
63 aDraw bnear unto me and I will draw near unto you; cseek me diligently and ye shall dfind me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
64 Whatsoever ye aask the Father in my name it shall be given unto you, that is bexpedient for you;
65 And if ye ask anything that is not aexpedient for you, it shall turn unto your bcondemnation.
66 Behold, that which you hear is as the avoice of one crying in the wilderness—in the wilderness, because you cannot see him—my voice, because my voice is bSpirit; my Spirit is truth; ctruth abideth and hath no end; and if it be in you it shall abound.
67 And if your eye be asingle to my bglory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light ccomprehendeth all things.
68 Therefore, asanctify yourselves that your bminds become csingle to God, and the days will come that you shall dsee him; for he will unveil his face unto you, and it shall be in his own time, and in his own way, and according to his own will.
My Comments:
Having an eye single to His glory will cause that my whole body shall be filled with light... having no darkness in me. This will also enable me to See Him which is my only goal in this life. Obtaining the gift of Charity is next to that.
Isn't that interesting that the God of this earth would want for me to have an eye single to His glory? The "world" (Dr. Wayne D. Dwyer for example) would NOT teach that about the God of the universe. The world would not teach that this God would COMMAND his children to LOVE HIM... and yet He does command them to love Him. He does command them to have an eye SINGLE TO HIS GLORY.
What does it mean to have an eye single to His glory? To have no other ambition but to glorify God.
D&C 4: 5
5 And afaith, bhope, ccharity and dlove, with an eeye single to the fglory of God, gqualify him for the work.
This is the qualifier for ALL actions to make them acceptable to God... to have God's approval. If all I do every day is done with an eye single to the glory of God, what might happen differently? If I create a home "with an eye single to the glory of God"... If I raise my children "with an eye single to the glory of God"... If I act as husband "with an eye single to the glory of God"... If I build a business "with an eye single to the glory of God"... If I work in my service roles "with an eye single to the glory of God"... If I work at my job "with an eye single to the glory of God"... If I interact with my children "with an eye single to the glory of God"... If I do my job at work "with an eye single to the glory of God"... If I gained knowledge "with an eye single to the glory of God"...If I interpret my burdens "with an eye single to the glory of God"... HOW WOULD MY LIFE BE DIFFERENT THEN?
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